Sunday, 18 January 2015

Forest School comes to Parson Street!

Forest School comes to Parson Street!

We are thrilled that Year 1 at Parson Street are now participating in weekly Forest School sessions. Classes 3 and 4 enjoy going outside to explore and learn for an afternoon a week. The sessions are helping them to: grow in independence, be creative, understand the natural environment, have fun and much more!

Session 1: Nature Collectors!
The children were given a sticky strip and asked to collect items with certain characteristics. For example: different coloured items, items with different textures and items with different smells. Each one was brilliant and unique and some of the children decided to turn them into crowns when they had finished.

Session 2: Potion Making!
In session 2 Year 1 all became Potion makers. They measured out 50ml of water using a measuring jug, chose a stirring stick then selected natural items to make the potion. They decided whether to make a nice or a nasty potion and decided what the potion was for - they had to keep this a secret! At the end of the session we smelled everyone's potions and guessed what they were for. It was great fun!