Sunday, 3 August 2014

Garden classroom

What have been changed in our garden :)


We have been continuing with our garden classroom. It was nice job for each parts of classes, lot of drawing, painting, cuting, gluing. Lot of lovely pictures, crosswords, games. Children had to prepare all of it on their own, they made up to do everything in czech, english and spanish as well. They used dictionaries, computers, they worked very hard. One of board is made by the photos which were tooken during hiking club. Each topics: plants and animals in our school neighborhood.

Other is about planted fruit Comenius trees - apple tree, pear tree, plum tree, prune tree.
Kids didn´t forget make a board about our future pond, details about water animal and water plants. The last board if about herbs. :)
Their work was done properly and teachers and even kids realy
 like it.

Well done everybody!


 We also sterted with preparing of pond. It should be done in the end of next school year, but kids was quite bussy, so we may will do it earlier.
All this work was done by the older children and especially by boys, they were sometimes ready to go do it insted to learn math, czech or english :)

 Most of done work was for children hard, but they enjoyed it and they are looking forward to help us next year again.