Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Exploring the Senses!

In Year 1 we have been using and exploring our senses! To find out what our 5 Senses our we had to do 5 different experiments. Do you know what they are?
Have a look below and see if you can guess!

In a bag were lots of objects, we had to describe how they felt to our friends. We weren't allowed to use our eyes and had to guess what the objects were.

For this experiment we spent time looking at mirrors and looking through coloured paper. We drew things we could see out the  window too!

Outside, we used our ears to hear noises and sounds. We made lots of noise too with these musical instruments!

On this table, we had to use our noses and guess what was in the cup! Some things smelled nice and sweet, others made us go yuck!

We got to eat things for this experiment. Some things were really nice but Alfie did not enjoy how this lemon tasted at all!



  1. It looks like a great fun, very simple experiments, but all showed to children a lot. Sometimes we chooseto much difficult way how to do experiments. I´ll will inspired self to do similar during english lesson as a part of teaching human body. I like photo of Alfie the most :)

  2. It´s lovely, thank you to children from nursery, we realy like it lukas senior

  3. It looks like a great fun, very simple experiments, but all showed to children a lot. Sometimes we chooseto much difficult way how to do experiments.

    Tomas Kubelka
