Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Visit to Děčín Czech Republic 9th -13th June 2014

Thank you to our partner school in the Czech Republic . We had a very enjoyable and interesting time finding out about your school and local community in Děčín  .

Taking a train from Prague to Decin.

Day 1 tour of the city and castle.

Decin is known as the City of Bridges

Tour of a secondary school where pupils learn about botanical gardens and caring for animals.
Visiting a glass factory. Mr Huxley is great at blowing glass!
Your Comenius tree is doing well.
It is good to see that you are growing calendula plants too. Ours are nearly ready for our display with Bristol Zoo.

A warm welcome from the pupils who sang songs for us in English and Spanish.

 We enjoyed looking at your displays. We will take back lots of good ideas to try out.